Why Men Should Rethink Drinking Beer

Headline: “There’s trouble brewing, guys”
Byline: “Bavarian men might want to rethink their annual Oktoberfest revels in light of a new study”

“You have to hope that this study is flawed, but the evidence seems irrefutable. Several months ago, scientists at Europe’s annual human reproduction conference suggested that the results of a recent analysis revealed the presence of female hormones in beer, and suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption. The theory is that drinking beer turns men into women.

To test the theory, 100 men were each fed six pints of beer within a one hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessivly without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn’t drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, had to sit down while urinating, couldn’t perform sexually, and refused to apologize when wrong.

No further testing is planned.”


76 thoughts on “Why Men Should Rethink Drinking Beer

  1. Dave

    Slightly different versions of this item have been floating around in e-mail since at least April 2004!

  2. dave's a douche

    Dave, you’re a douche. Nobody gives a shit how long the article has been floating around. The idea behind the comments section is to comment on the article, dumbass. Allow me to demonstrate: Funny, or perhaps, not funny. Was that so hard Dave?

  3. jena

    this is really the BEST article?? really?

    this website has gone SO downhill in the last year.

  4. kaiba

    They keep scaring people on these things but never cited where the source of report comes from. How can they be so sure?

  5. r10t3r


    I wish I had been invited to take part in this study, seems like a wise investment of my time for the betterment of humanity.

  6. lammy

    There was no study. There was no newspaper that reported this. It’s a joke. It’s a #$#@ing joke. And a retarded one to put it mildly.

  7. XtCrAvE

    I loved it!

    And then of course you have idiots like lammy who think it’s real until the end, then get put off by the fact that everyone else got the joke besides her. And she has the nerve to call the joke Retarded as if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black!

    Nice joke! Sexist or not, it’s funny! Thanks!

  8. C-ol

    the BEST article?? aaha, yes yes yes. This site is jumping the shark. You have to be a dog if you think this old mexican joke is funny.

  9. Sgt_bobc4t

    Manswers on Spike TV posed the question,”could Women grow boobs from drinking beer?” In fact it was proven that this was the case, but on the flip side of it, they had to drink an insane amount of beer to see not even a noticeable difference, so I say drink up because and there is no sense in worriyng about turning into a women, if you a guy that is :). St. Pattys day is just around the corner no harm in prepping those livers.

  10. Elie Hutcheson

    This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve never seen my husband act like a woman no matter how much he drinks. He always pees standing up, can always perform when he wants to, which is usually more when he’s been drinking. Getting drunk of course does cause men and women to feel melancoly but I don’t think this is exclusive to beer, it can happen with wine and any other type of alchohol too.

  11. Arden

    Ah, gotta love those “its sexist but still so funny” comments.

    Damn right its sexist, as well as immensely lame. I wanna know what loser still living at his mom’s house came up with this crap. Only narrow minded sheep don’t realize how its exactly this kind of stuff that reinforces the misogynistic/sexist behavior of assholes all over the place.

    Fuck you for being so ignorant and failing to tell a good joke from an old pile of bullshit being constantly paraded around as humor.

  12. feline legume

    seriously, that’s some sexist shit & only a drunk douche nozzle would honestly think that’s a gleaming gem of wit rather than a steaming bowl of tripe. whomever wrote that probably lives a sad life with his creepy uncle.

  13. Mel C

    Come on girls! Let us not get too mad about the joke. We all know that men are THE WORST bitches around: they can’t survive a simple cold (hasn’t anybody heard an “I’m dying,” coming from the couch when a cold hits a man?), they’re always begging for sex when there are more important things to be done, and when we women realize there are things more important around the house than sex, they complain “you don’t love me…!” They wouldn’t be begging for sex if we didn’t give it to them good… UGH! They don’t need beer to behave like women… Not to mention that we women have lower insurance rates because we CAN drive. Has anybody seen a man driving a minivan? It’s like they’re on a rampage…

  14. Vinny

    Mel C, sounds to me like you got a little bitch for boyfriend/husband.

    “Article” made me smile.

  15. daves a douche is a douch

    Commenting on how long the article has been floating around is a relevant comment on the article’s whereabouts which is a comment on the article, dumbass

  16. Dude.

    Haahhahaaa. Some people are such morons.

    Is it sexist? – Yes.
    Is it funny? – Yes.
    Is it a joke? – Yes.

    It’s a funny sexist joke.
    Women, you KNOW you would laugh if this was degrading men so shut the fuck up and go do the dishes (See, now that’s sexist).

  17. NoNonsense01

    So this article plays on female stereotypes. Big deal. It’s not like it’s flat out saying all women are like this, but some in fact are, and some just aren’t. Not to mention, how many times have we ladies said “all men are dogs” and spewed similar bullcrap. This is a *JOKE* ladies….repeat, joke…not all people find dead baby jokes funny, not all people find knock knock jokes funny…..if you can’t laugh at jokes and you can’t laugh at yourself, then I guess your life just has some issues you need to deal with instead of Stumbling on sites criticizing things that others find amusing and being a “feminist” just to call attention to yourself.

  18. Mommy's boy

    Why is it that when people argue in the comments section of a website all I can think of is possibly having some sex with my Mom? Come to think of it, its rare at all these days that it’s not on my mind! Oh well, probably best sweep that one under the carpet along with Dad’s penchant for playing ‘hide the sausage’….aah the memories

  19. Alepriest

    I’d be slightly , just slightly, more prone to accept this blatantly sexist so-called ‘study’ if you could assure me that it had been conducted by chardonnay spritzer sipping wimps, and that the subjects consumed light (water diluted), low carb (tasteless) swill. Furthermore, all of the subjects weren’t victims of marked sexual identity crises.
    Get real, blatant misogyny, pure and simple.

  20. julian

    So so so funny!!! hahahahaha like women, drunk men cant drive and doesnt apologize when theyre wrong, just like the ladies!!

  21. let up on dave

    Dude, Dave’s comment was so NOT douche-y. He was just saying that the article has been around for a while. It was a relevant comment. He wasn’t being explicitly mean or calling anyone a douche or insulting the article or whatever.

    Don’t let people on the internet get ya down Dave =D

    Also, I fall into the “sexist but funny” category. I know hella girls who joke about guys constantly, and everyone laughs at that. Just enjoy the humor and be secure enough to know that we’re (girls) always the ones doing the performing ;D.

  22. somebody

    Ladies, stop getting so butthurt by some of these “sexist jokes”. I’m definitely not a sexist, but have you ever stopped to think for a minute that maybe you’re getting so offended because you’re somehow a little self-conscious about being a girl? You wouldn’t be so defensive if there wasn’t some kinda shred of insecurity. Do you ever see guys get all pissy whenever someone says some kinda man-joke? I’m perfectly comfortable with being a dude, and you should be totally fine with being a woman, so don’t be such a downer and lighten up.

  23. T

    I love the feminists that think they are better than sexist men just to assume a man wrote the joke just because it was about women. Who tells the best Jewish jokes? Jews. The best black jokes? Black people. You get my point. Jokes are just jokes. So quit complaining and laugh, or don’t, but let others enjoy them.

    And take your own advice next time you think about telling a joke about how stupid men are. Equality people, that’s what you fight for, right?

  24. Raicky

    Notice one thing…And thats to all the females who’ve commemnted…You ppl would have laughed your booggers out if this article said men were pigs and they acted like one… But talk one bit abt a woman… And all u ppl start a rebillion and say its sexist and junk… just take a joke and laugh abt it rather then acting like a downer…

  25. Samantha

    If it really made men like women, they’d grow some common sense and not think with their penis.

  26. Lauren

    that’s hilarious but since when is not being able to perform sexually a women’s characteristic?

  27. Walt

    No way are these comments and the ridiculous article above sexist on a high school level. It’s all cutting social cometary.

  28. All hail Dave

    I got tired of the debate about whether this article is funny or not very quickly (It’s kinda funny). The debate over the philosophy and subsequent teachings of this mysterious ‘Dave’, however, fascinates me. I am declaring this forum to be dedicated totally to the study and dissemination of his writings from here on. All nonbelievers will be heavily persecuted. Let us carry our message forth with vigor and pride: Long live Dave!!

  29. Narrowmindsr00le!!!

    Lmfao, this has got to be the most entertaining thing I’ve stumbled upon tonight. No need to get butthurt guys! Its a fucking joke. Honestly, this is probably the work of someone with to much time on their hands and incredible photoshop skills or something. And if it really is real, then high five to the people who actually have a sense of humor and aren’t uptight prudes.

    Oh well, its sexist. Not like this is the only time shit like this has been said. Stereotypes are based off reality. If we were to stop talking about misogynst topics and sexist shit and all the other shit that people get butthurt about, then it would just make it an even more fragile topic. Ignoring something doesn’t make it better, accepting it and being comfortable with it and not giving a shit what people say does. Get over yourselves and go smoke some peace pipe.

    if not, go smoke pole.

    <(“<) (>”)>

  30. JDOG

    That has nothing to do with men as a whole, 100 people does not represent billions of males in the world very accurately. However, this may be an accurate portrayal of the men from that town. Of course you’re going to gain after drinking six pints. Whose opinion is it that these men didn’t make sense? “Couldn’t drive”?, “Failed to think rationally”? WOW this is some breaking news about the effects of alcohol! Everything described here is the exact same for women, especially sitting down while peeing hahahaha. I’ve never sat down just to pee ever my whole life.. so how old were these testees? And couldn’t perform sexually? That’s just sad but what relevance does that have to drinking with a bunch of other guys for an experiment..? How did they test that part?~

  31. TH14

    Geez, I think people need to chill, its a sexist joke, big fucking deal ITS A JOKE…. Its not like the Joke was created to put someone in their place, and make them feel horrible lol.. are you really so insecure and needing to feel loved so bad that you have to come out screaming and yelling about how terrible the world is because of a joke? Grow up, the real worlds a much tougher place then this joke… I think maybe some of you should analyze the fact that if this Joke hurts your feelings then you need to work on your self-esteem, amongst other things, and get out of the house a little bit more..

  32. Pybk

    Wow. You people can say what you want about this not being offensive, but it is. This is exactly the kind of shit that helps men treat women like shit. I’ve had abusive relationships and my father used to beat my mom, granted shes a bitch. And I can honestly say that this kind of mindless blathering is one of the things that fueled those violent acts against me…. And more than likely most other women in similar situations. Everyone here arguing that its just a HARMLESS joke, in my opinion, is wrong. These kinds of jokes are hurtful to women. These jokes wouldnt exist if the men writing and/or voicing them didnt believe the stereotypes within them. Its degrading bullshit like this that keeps women from getting jobs that are handed to a man behind her back. Its this type of thing that causes women to make less money than men.
    If you dont believe me, allow me to provide excerpts from about.com, followed by a link to the page, itself for citing:

    Women make only 75.5 cents for every dollar that men earn, according to a new release by the U.S. Census Bureau. Between 2002 and 2003, median annual earnings for full-time year-round women workers shrank by 0.6 percent, to $30,724, while men’s earnings remained unchanged, at $40,668.

    Dr. Barbara Gault, IWPR Director of Research, stated, “To address the continuing disparities in pay between women and men, we need to raise the minimum wage, improve enforcement of Equal Employment Opportunity Laws, help women succeed in higher-paying, traditionally male occupations, and create more flexible, family friendly workplace polices.”

    And heres the link: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/censusandstatistics/a/paygapgrows.htm

    Those two examples of unjust treatment of women are just the tip of the iceberg. Allow me to list even MORE examples of discrimination, sexism, and all around ignorance to the truth that without women, men would be NOTHING, let alone ALIVE. (list is based on global examples, though the rest of this post is restricted to the U.s. unless clearly noted otherwise.):

    Restrictrion of Adoption Rights
    Domestic Violence
    Restriction of Education
    Female Genital Mutilation
    Female Infanticide
    Female Political Prisoners & Strip-Searching
    Forced Labor and Debt Bondage
    Forced Sterilization
    Restriction of Housing Rights
    Sexual Harassment

    These are just a few examples of the travesties against women all over the glode, bost of which, I might add, still happen in the U.S. today and in all likelyhood will continue to happen for many years.


    Sexism against women:
    The view that men are superior to women is a form of sexism. The term ‘sexism’ is sometimes used by itself to mean sexism against women.[citation needed] When expressed by men, sexism against women may be called male chauvinism. Related terms are misogyny, which implies a hatred of women, and gynophobia, which refers to a fear of women or femininity.
    The idea that men benefit from certain rights and privileges not available to women is referred to as male privilege.
    Historically, sexism against women has taken a number of forms.

    Legal status
    U.S. and English law subscribed until the 20th century to the system of coverture, whereby “[b]y marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law; that is the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage.”
    Not until 1875 were women in the U.S. legally defined as persons (Minor v Happersett, 88 U.S. 162), and women did not receive the vote in the U.S. until 1920 and in the U.K. until 1928 via the Representation of the People Act 1928.

    Domestic violence
    According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, women are more likely than men to experience “nonfatal intimate partner violence.” Women are also more likely to be killed by intimate partners; 30% of female homicide victims are estimated to have been killed by intimate partners, as opposed to 5% of male homicide victims.

    The F.B.I. defines rape as the carnal knowledge of a female against her will; rape against men is rare.
    Analysis of rape perpetrators has been argued to reveal a pattern of hatred of women and pleasure in inflicting psychological and/or physical trauma, rather than sexual interest; rapists often plan a rape before they choose a victim.
    Rape is also used world-wide as a technique of war, a fact now recognized by the United Nations.
    Youre fueling this.

    Sexual objectification
    Women are often portrayed as sexual objects, often with violent under- or overtones. A Duncan Quinn ad, for example, shows a man holding the apparently dead, underwear-clad body of a woman by a leash. Numerous other examples abound of advertisements featuring women who are objectified or portrayed as dolls or corpses. Women may also be portrayed as trash stuffed in trash cans or objects such as rugs to be stepped on.

    Sexism in language
    Its pretty obvious, dont you think? Im guessing that you can think of 10+ slurrs for women off the top of your head. Even I can.

    Women have been excluded from higher education.] When women were admitted to higher education, they were encouraged to major in subjects that were considered less intellectual; the study of English literature in English and U.S. colleges and universities was in fact instituted as a field of study considered suitable to women’s “lesser intellects”.

    Women have been excluded from participation in many professions. When women have gained entry into a previously male profession, they have faced many additional obstacles; Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to receive an M.D., and Myra Bradwell, the first woman lawyer, are examples.
    Discrimination continues today, according to studies done by Cornell University and others.

    Sexual discrimination can arise in different contexts. For instance an employee may be discriminated against by being asked discriminatory questions during a job interview, or because an employer did not hire, promote or wrongfully terminated an employee based on his or her gender, or employers pay unequally based on gender. In an educational setting there could be claims that a student was excluded from an educational institution, program, opportunity, loan, student group, or scholarship on account of his or her gender. In the housing setting there could be claims that a person was refused negotiations on seeking a house, contracting/leasing a house or getting a loan based on his or her gender.
    Socially, sexual differences have been used to justify different roles for men and women, in some cases giving rise to claims of primary and secondary roles. While there are non-physical differences between men and women, there is little agreement as to what those differences are.

    The gendered income disparity can also be attributed in part to occupational segregation, where groups of people are distributed across occupations according to ascribed characteristics; in this case, gender. Occupational sex segregation can be understood to contain two components or dimensions; horizontal segregation and vertical segregation. With horizontal segregation, occupational sex segregation occurs as men and women are thought to possess different physical, emotional, and mental capabilities. These different capabilities make the genders vary in the types of jobs they are suited for. This can be specifically viewed with the gendered division between manual and non-manual labor. With vertical segregation, occupational sex segregation occurs as occupations are stratified according to the power, authority, income, and prestige associated with the occupation and women are excluded from holding such jobs

    Once factors such as experience, education, occupation, and other job-relevant characteristics have been taken into account, 41% of the male-female wage gap remains unexplained. As such, considerations of occupational segregation and human capital theories are together not enough to understand the continued existence of a gendered income disparity. Go figure.

    The glass ceiling effect is also considered a possible contributor to the gender wage gap or income disparity. This effect suggests that gender provides significant disadvantages towards the top of job hierarchies which become worse as a person’s career goes on. The term glass ceiling implies that invisible or artificial barriers exist which prevent women from advancing within their jobs or receiving promotions. These barriers exist in spite of the achievements or qualifications of the women and still exist when other characteristics that are job-relevant such as experience, education, and abilities are controlled for. The inequality effects of the glass ceiling are more prevalent within higher-powered or higher income occupations, with fewer women holding these types of occupations. The glass ceiling effect also indicates the limited chances of women for income raises and promotion or advancement to more prestigious positions or jobs. As women are prevented by these artificial barriers from receiving job promotions or income raises, the effects of the inequality of the glass ceiling increase over the course of a woman’s career.

    Statistical discrimination is also cited as a cause for income disparities and gendered inequality in the workplace. Statistical discrimination indicates the likelihood of employers to deny women access to certain occupational tracks on the assumption that women are more likely than men to leave their job or the labor force when they become married or pregnant. Women are instead given positions that dead-end or jobs that have very little mobility.

    Cultural stereotypes:
    Cultural stereotypes are engrained in both men and women and these stereotypes are a possible explanation for gender inequality and the resulting gendered wage disparity. Women have traditionally been viewed as being caring and nurturing and are designated to occupations which require such skills. While these skills are culturally valued, they were typically associated with domesticity, so occupations requiring these same skills are not economically valued. Men have traditionally been viewed as the breadwinner or the worker, so jobs held by men have been historically economically valued and occupations predominated by men continue to be economically valued and pay higher wages.

    Gender inequality can further be understood through the mechanisms of sexism. Discrimination takes place in this manner as men and women are subject to prejudicial treatment on the basis of gender alone. Sexism occurs when men and women are framed within two dimensions of social cognition. To be exploited in this manner, one must be viewed in relation to dimensions of warmth and competency

    Benevolent sexism takes place when women are viewed as possessing low degrees of competency and high degrees of warmth.[neutrality disputed] Although this is the result of a more positive stereotype of women, this still contributes to gender inequality as this stereotype is only applied to women who conform to the caring or nurturing stereotypes, with the remaining women still being discriminated against as they are not viewed in this positive light. Also, this form of sexism has negative effects as well, as these notions of women include the idea that women are weak and in need of the protection of men.

    Hostile sexism takes place when women are viewed as having high levels of competency but low degrees of warmth. This form of sexism is framed as an antagonistic attitude toward women, and occurs as women are perceived to be attempting to control men, either through sexual seduction or feminist ideology.

    Discrimination also plays out with networking and in preferential treatment within the economic market. Men typically occupy positions of power within the job economy. Due to taste or preference for other men because they share similar characteristics, men in these positions of power are more likely to hire or promote other men, thus discriminating against women.

    The media plays up traditional views of men and women. Boys and/or men are often portrayed as active, aggressive and sexually aggressive persons while women are portrayed as quaint, passive, pretty and incompetent beings. One way of portraying the man is in this ‘macho-man’ image. The macho-man image relies on a man disrespecting a female in order to show and prove his manliness. As well, there is a serious lack of non-white men in the media. It appears that the only time a non-white man is shown is when he is doing something illegal or highly unconventional.It is also rare to see men doing any type of housework or caring for children in the media. The portrayal of women also has an assumptive aspect that says that whiteness is ideal and standard. Even when black women are shown, they conform to white definitions of beauty which includes straight hair and light skin. Latina and Asian women are shown in a sexual manner which is derogatory to their races. The portrayal of women varies from women sitting around watching men do things to women being dominated by men in music videos. Women are shown as being helpless and wanting guidance. Magazines cater to what they decide or believe women want. They give advice on how to please men, how to cook for them, how to look attractive by lose of weight and care for families.

    So you see, you bringing these “harmless jokes” to life just fuels the media and workplace as well as other people, to down-grade women and vice-versa. Its a vicious cycle against women. Its a hurtful and untrue offense against your sisters, grand-mothers, wives, daughters, aunts, cousins, and the women that gave birth to/cared for you/ and quite possibly financially supported you. How would you feel if a comment or joke like this were directed at you mom or daughter? You wouldnt find it very funny then, huh?

    Selective abortion and female infanticide

    The number of girls born and surviving in India is significantly less compared with the number of boys, due to the disproportionate numbers of female foetuses being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die.The normal ratio of births should be 950 girls for every 1000 boys, however in some regions the number is as low as 300.

    India has a low sex ratio, the chief reason being that many women die before reaching adulthood. Tribal societies in India have a better sex ratio than all other caste groups. This is in spite of the fact that tribal communities have far lower levels of income, literacy and health facilities. It is therefore suggested by many experts, that the low sex ratio in India can be attributed to female infanticides and sex-selective abortions.

    Gender selection and selective abortion were banned in India in 1994, but despite this the use of ultrasound scanning for gender selection continues. Female infanticide (killing of girl infants) is still prevalent in some rural areas.

    Oh, and as a side note, scientifically speaking, women came first. When a woman is pregnant, the child within her’s reproductive organs form as a vagina. They then move on to develop further and grow into a fully functioning female reproductive system or metamorphose into a male reproductive system.
    Have THAT to chew on.

    Another side-note (Getting a bit more personal)–
    Heres a fucked up example of sexism and discrimination at its best.
    I got a job at a newspaper company as a telemarketer. I found that this job would be easy for me to handle because I was in the early stages of pregnancy at the time and I needed a job that wasn’t too straining on my body, as I am already prone to a weak constitution due to blood and other medically related defficiences (Funfact: I was raped and concieved my daughter as a result of it…. What a twist!). My boss was a middle-aged man. Upon arriving for work for my first day, I noticed that ALL the employees in the telemarketing center were attractive young females. I worked there for a few weeks, always very uncomfortable. The discomfort wasnt physical…. It was mental. Every time I got up, I could feel my boss’s eyes burning a hole in my rear. Every time I turned away from him, I caught him eyeing any part of me that he could. He did it to all of his other employees as well (Funfact: 65% of women are harassed in the workplace). Now before I continue, let me add that I was never late for work, and was ranking at the top of the list for sales. One morning, I came into work and my boss approached me and asked me how I was feeling and told me that I looked a bit tired. I politely replied to his inquiry, telling him that I had been up and down all night with nausea. I stated that I felt that the morning sickness stages were finally hitting me and that the baby must have been acting up. He simply nodded and walked away. I barely saw him for the rest of the day. I went home that night, only to be woken up by a phone call from a secretary the next morning informing me that I had been let go from my job. I asked why and she simply informed me that my boss had said that my “services were no longer needed”. Now to me, that sounds a bit funny. It is MY belief that my boss was a sexist pig that hired pretty young women so that he had plenty to look at. When he found out that I was with child, he no longer found me attractive and dismissed me so he could hire in a new “piece of meat”.
    What I find even worse than that is that the United States has no laws against dismissing an employee without proper or formal explanation. Employers are not required to provide a reason for firing you. On top of that, I had no way to prove that I was dismissed unjustly/due to sexism or discrimination, thus I couldn’t sue or even contest the situation on court. The lack of laws requiring employers to provide said information regarding reasons for dismissal only feed the ability for women to lose their jobs due to corrupt employers.

    So in closing. You can shut YOUR whore mouth and get back in the kitchen before I black YOUR other eye.

  33. shut up

    i don’t give two shits about how degrading this is towards women, because women need to stop fucking thinking that everything men do is designed to hurt them. this is designed as humor. HUMOR. which means funny, the opposite of serious. i do n’t care about your sob story or how you’ve been oppressed by males in the past (see above), because you’re fucking pressing your shit on US. if you want equality, shut up about it. men degrade each other on a daily basis. how many times have you heard one guy call his friend an asshole for the sake of humor? daily. you know why? cuz that’s whats funny. and how many times have you gone “ugh, men” after hearing a story about some poor shmuck that’s just trying to understand what exactly makes you people tick? don’t preach to me about your shit, i know it all. YOU have to understand the difference between humor and serious bullshit. this is fucking funny. you piss me off. that’s the difference. i’m about to go start a webpage that’ll teach people how to go about getting what they want. every feminist should visit, because they are fucking NOT going about it the right way.

  34. kyle davis

    not true i get extra horney when drinkin beer, love standing while pissing but like argueing over nothing

  35. Nathan

    Maybe they gained weight because they had 6 freaking pints of beer in their belly….stupid article

  36. NoNonsense01

    Odd..I stumbled on this again and there was SO much more added…I like the 6 page long comment….anyways, I like the whole Long Live Dave idea!

  37. Ryan

    “couldn’t perform sexually” should of been omitted. Otherwise 100%

    Damn someone has to give “Pybk” a good screw. Does she ever need it!

    I’m sorry for whoever is her/his girlfriend/wife.

  38. Ryans right

    HOLY SHIT Pybk! get over yourself and stop making me scroll for 5 years just to get to the bottom of your comment. The only bitches that are complaining are the ones that think its true. Sexist stuff is funny. Laugh at stuff and don’t get so offended. You know what else is funny?
    How do you blind an asian?
    Put a windsheild in front of him!
    What do you call a mexican without a lawnmower?
    And whats one holiday black folks dont celebrate?
    Father’s Day!
    Later guys, I’m a chick and I giggled at this and now I’m going to go do my boyfriends luandry. And I’m okay with that 🙂
    Oh, and maybe Daves not a douche, but he is a fun-ruiner (just like the insecure hos) and I’m glad someone called him out.

  39. TH14

    “Allow me to list even MORE examples of discrimination, sexism, and all around ignorance to the truth that without women, men would be NOTHING, let alone ALIVE.”

    Well at least if this were true we wouldn’t have to put up and listen to people like you…. So sick of the “oh woah is me” card people play with sexism, racism and so on, be a stronger fucking person and deal with it… it is what you make it… and if you want to take that garbage in, you are going to see nothing but that in your life. The fact of the matter is if that joke were done about a man, everyone would laugh, it being a women your affended and write a book about it in comments…. end of story

  40. E. Pomes

    if you think this is funny you are a terrible person. F you, you stupid sexist assholes. Go and do us a favor and get hit by a train, because god knows it’s the only positive contribution you could possibly make to the human race.

  41. Lorna

    Ladies get over yourselves. The joke is funny! We are all it says and more…. have some self esteem and be proud to be female. After all the article shows how men are stiving to be female by downing the ale 🙂
    And if anyone serious thought this article was for real….take aleaf as previous post. Get out more.

  42. Lorna

    Ladies, don’t take yourselves too seriously. after all we are what it says and more. As rightly pointed out low self esteem creates a “tumour in your humour”.

  43. Tropiclean Dog Shampoo

    “You have to hope that this study is flawed, but the evidence seems irrefutable. Several months ago, scientists at Europe’s annual human reproduction conference suggested that the results of a recent analysis revealed the presence of female hormones in beer, and suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption. The theory is that drinking beer turns men into women.

  44. sd card

    Hops are the female hormones, which added to the beer. In fact, it is argued that women drink beer regularly to develop larger breasts grow hormone.

  45. Internet Startup Consultant

    The glass ceiling effect is also considered a possible contributor to the gender wage gap or income disparity.This effect suggests that gender provides significant disadvantages towards the top of job hierarchies which become worse as a person’s career goes on.

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