Facebook: What’s changed & why you should care




5 thoughts on “Facebook: What’s changed & why you should care

  1. Metah-4

    You HAVE to go into the Privacy settings and set up what ever you can control…whenever someone sets up and FB account I warn them about that you HAVE to set it up BEFORE you put your info in…I mean nothing is ever truly private on the Web, but you can't sit back and not take as many precautions as you possibly can…

  2. JT

    there is a new privacy setting called “Instant Personalization” that shares data with non-Facebook websites and it is automatically set to “Allow.” Go to Account, Privacy Settings, Applications and Websites, Instant Personalization, and uncheck, Allow. It's an easy fix.

  3. bluecardinal

    “but you can't sit back and not take as many precautions as you possibly can”

    Watch me.

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