Written by Sunsu This article is from vgpro
This is a short list of 5 PC games that you can play on the upcoming Ubuntu release: Hardy Heron. Although these games may have some features disabled, they definitely are evidence of how far Linux gaming really has come. Some of the listed games run using Wine, whereas with others Wine is not needed. Links to some valuable Ubuntu gaming resources are given at the end.
1) World of Warcraft v2.4.X
World of Warcraft requires Wine to run and has a PLATINUM rating. Voice Chat, Anti-Aliasing, Texture Filtering, Fullscreen switch, and gxrestart/reloadui all work perfectly. Some users report that a registry tweak is necessary , but with the latest Wine release (v0.9.60) its pretty much plug-n-play.
2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare v1.4
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare v1.4 requires Wine to run and has an overall silver rating at WineHQ. One user even rated it at Gold. Wine does require a patch for the game to run correctly. EDIT* Some Wine veterans tell me that this can get slightly complicated. However, I decided to include this game because it is basically the bleeding edge of new games with high quality graphics. This game just shows how far Wine and Ubuntu have come! *EDIT One minor flaw is that multiplayer support does not work on punkbuster enabled servers. Attempts to get punkbuster to work in Wine in the past have been all but hopeless.
3) Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 2004 works right out of the box. Wine is not needed. Installing is as simple as making sure your graphics drivers are up to date and typing: sudo sh /media/cdrom0/linux-installer.sh. With UT2004 comes a host of full modifications also available for play. One example is Alien Swarm. Alien Swarm is a total conversion mod for Unreal Tournament 2004 created by Black Cat Games and initially released on May 28, 2004. If you’ve played UT2004 in the past, but never played Alien Swarm, its definitely worth a try!
4) Day of Defeat: Source
Day of Defeat was originally a modification for Half-Life, but Valve released a new version based on the Source engine. This game requires Wine to play, but has a Platinum rating, so it involves little or no hassle. Another thing to note here is that Most of the other games based on the Source engine (Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source) are also playable with Platinum ratings using Wine.
5) Guild Wars All Versions
The best thing about Guild Wars is that it is a high quality MMORPG that has no subscription costs! Guild Wars takes the best elements of today’s massively multiplayer online games and combines them with a new mission-based design that eliminates some of the more tedious aspects of those games. This game requires Wine to play, but once again has a platinum rating, so no headaches involved!
Valuable Resources for Ubuntu Gamers
Hope this was useful for everyone, and please feel free to post links to things I missed!
*ADDITION* Eve Online
One Digg user (agisten) has noted that I have failed in an Epic fashion for forgetting Eve Online! I must admit that it was a big oversight. Eve Online is an MMORPG that can be played natively on Linux (no wine required).

*ADDITION* Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Digg user (35263526) has noted that I have failed to include Enemy Territory: Quake Wars! ETQW is a first-person shooter video game that can run natively on Linux, and is the follow-up to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (no wine required on this one either).

Games kill time and your life.
Nice! Good to know ๐
Can anyone tell me, where can I download Day of Defeat: Source for Ubuntu…I search over net/torrents/ but I wasn’t lucky….
Thnx in advance ๐
Another great resource to find different games is
http://www.mylivetime.com – An online game and video guide where you can find over 1500 video channels on the internet include free gaming sites, free movies and TV shows (updates all the time)
Eve Online is not a native linux game. It has a linux installer, but it installs wine into it’s game directory and runs through that. Before the flame war starts, regardless of how it runs, it still rocks!
All of these games aren’t native and have to be ran through wine as far as I know.