2 Suicides Fish suicide is a major problem now. -where did that fish get the balloon? -Inaccurate! Homicide!
Rozi May 8, 2008 at 3:27 am I believe it is referring to this http://digg.com/comics_animation/Two_Suicides_PIC
Steinschmetzer May 8, 2008 at 4:20 am the picture is missing, its related to this: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs12/f/2006/331/b/8/el_pez_by_allanced.jpg
Jen S. May 8, 2008 at 7:17 am It makes sense *without* the attached text commentary. The human commits suicide by plummeting into the water. The fish commits suicide by foisting himself into the air (with the aid of the balloon). A funny!
I dont get it
I believe it is referring to this http://digg.com/comics_animation/Two_Suicides_PIC
the picture is missing, its related to this: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs12/f/2006/331/b/8/el_pez_by_allanced.jpg
me also don’t get the ding:P
Eh? Please explain for us lesser beings.
It makes sense *without* the attached text commentary. The human commits suicide by plummeting into the water. The fish commits suicide by foisting himself into the air (with the aid of the balloon). A funny!
um…. right. no.
alright! i get it:P