25 Historical Events (As Depicted by 5 Year Olds)

Written by CRACKED Readers

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Children are stupid. We know it’s not their fault, but it doesn’t stop us from laughing at their innocent, wide-eyed idiocy.

With this in mind, we asked you to depict some of history’s most significant events, as they would be drawn by a five year-old child. We offered $50 to the winner, and the prize-winning entry is below. But first, the runners-up:


by Illiterati


by angelbrahd


by Gambiani


by CountBaqula


by Cowtppr


by brahman


by mtbutta


by Salah


by keviokevio


by joscott


by phluxcapacitor


by rhinopig


by Bell110


by blemm


by Boron


by Sleeper


by Tim


by baredevil


by AgentScarn


by Senor_Taco


by B.Leyd


by chrisolson7


by Bakudai


by Dan The Great

And the winner is …

by Bell110

Congrats, Bell110, you win money.

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