Written by MoiN
If you’re looking for a free File hosting service and can’t decide, I’ve compiled a list of 28 “working” Free file storage hosting websites. Each of these websites has it’s con’s and pro’s. Some are offering more file size limits, some aren’t. It’s for you to decide which one you want to go for 🙂

FileSavr gives you 10 GB upload size limit and requires you to sign up before you use their services.

FileDropper is another great file hosting service. It offers you 5 GB file limit and they claim to be the fastest as well.

Built on Adobe® AIR technology, you can now drag and drop files directly from your desktop, hard drive, or USB device directly into your Xdrive account. Gives you 5GB of free online storage!

ADrive provides 50 GB of Free Online Storage Space with features like Cloud Storage, Upload & Store Files, Access Files Anywhere, Share Files, Edit Documents Online, Remote File Transfer and a Desktop Backup Client.

Drop.io is the simplest way to share files online, gives you 100 MB of free space. Gives you the ability to upload those files by phone, email, web, widget or fax and then share them with whoever you want.

ShareSend has a very simple interface, all you have to do is, go to their site, click Browse and upload your file! And that’s it! 100MB file size limit.

FileFactory lets you host files up to 300MB for free. Again, there is no registration required and no software to download.

Uploadz offers free unlimited file hosting through their very simple and easy to use website interface.

This website doesn’t even have a logo to go with. Simple Browse, Reset and Upload button.

YouConvertIt focuses more on converting your media files (Documents, Images, Audio, Video & Archives) to a huge number of formats and gives you access to send those files to anyone you like.

neeBiT is a photo, video, sound, flash and document sharing service that lets you easily upload, download and share your media for free. The maximum file size that you can upload is
For Images, 5 MB
For SWF, 15 MB
For Videos, 125 MB
For Text Files, 10 MB
For Audio Files, 20 MB
And requires you to sign up.

UpMyFiles need a sign up before you begin uploading file and the max size that you can upload for a file is 25 MB.

Box.net is another cool service that lets you upload your documents and media files. Give you 1 GB of free space for free if you sign up with their basic Lite plan.

FileDen is also a free file hosting and online storage web facility. It gives you 1 GB of file storage space, A 50mb maximum file size limit and 5 GB of monthly bandwith.

DropSend is a fast, simple and secure to use website. Gives you 250 MB of free space if you sign up for their basic plan.

DivShare claims to be one of the best, of them all. Gives you 5 GB of free space and a 10 GB monthly download limit. With over 872,327 members, 4.0 million files online, it’s a must try.

4Shared is another free online storage where you can upload, access, share your music, video, photos with over 5 GB of free space.

Badongo is a FREE file hosting site that enables you to upload an unlimited amount of files, photos, video and music, to send to friends, family and colleagues. You can upload a file up to 1GB at one time, giving you daily download limit of 12GB.

With Fileqube, you can store up to 2GB free for remote file access. Gives you the ability to upload multiple files at once.

MediaFire is another smashing, free file hosting service. Features include, Unlimited storage, Up to 100MB per file, Unlimited uploads, Unlimited downloads, Unlimited bandwidth, Image galleries, No sign up required and no software is needed.

MegaUpload comes in mind when it comes to online storage. It gives you unlimited space and a 1GB file size limit. A must try website.

Everyone has heard of RapidShare! It’s a amazing file storage website, doesn’t require any registration of any kind (If you are using the free utility) – and you can upload a file size up to 200 MB.

FastFreeUpload also runs on a very simple interface. All you have to do is, select your file and press upload, Receive download-link and share it !! Gives you 100 MB file size limit.

With Upload drive, you can upload a file size up to 450MB. Nice interface and easy to use.

2big2send gives you 1 GB of space, 100 MB of storage, 1 GB/month bandwidth, 1 GB Maximum upload size and 5 days before file expiry.

BlazeUpload offers free file hosting, Blazing speeds, truly percise progress bar, file and folder management, ajax slideshow, tags and lots more! Gives you the ability to upload 10 files at once with a 100MB file size limit.

Dropbox is just great. It’s the easiest way to share and store your files online. I would highly recommend that you take their online tour for more information.

DsFileShare is another free file hosting service. Gives you up to 1GB Free Disk Space, 1GB per File and there is no sign up needed.
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