How To Deal With ***** Your Pants: A Powerpoint

Shared by holytaco

Most Powerpoint Presentations we deal with each day are about things that are really, really boring. So we made a Powerpoint about
something we all really want to learn about. Enjoy! (Hit the big right arrow button to see the next page.)

PPT mirror

26 thoughts on “How To Deal With ***** Your Pants: A Powerpoint

    1. bspcn Post author

      To TCape:
      I am sorry for your leaving. I hope you will back soon.I will do my best in future to improve our site.
      Sorry again for this post. But change or delete is difficult. Beacause there is only one chance to publish the post in one day.

  1. kristo

    of all the content on this website, people wanna get pissy about this article? personally i think it’s hilarious and i’m gonna keep coming back for more.

    ps. this powerpoint is dead on. i’ve been there and i’ve done that. granted you might not want to read about it… so go elsewhere, go bury your head in the sand and live you life like no one is bad and there is no evil in the world.

  2. Steve

    This was juvenile and LAME. Who runs this site…8ith graders? Really people, can’t you do better

  3. JK the Fifth

    Well, you may have noticed that BSPCN usually posts articles that are popular on social bookmarking sites, like digg.

    This article was popular on digg.

    But this article is not the BSPCN type.

    Now that I have said that, I think this presentation was hilarious. Its good to have some funny posts once in a while.

  4. Nandan

    If you regularly practice Yoga and keep your mind stress fee, you won’t make your pant and undies wet and dirty!!

  5. TCape

    Thank you for your effort and I’m sorry if I seem a little peeved at what you post sometimes. I can imagine that while finding literally the “best article” every day and pleasing everyone is impossible, finding an article every day that is at least interesting and readable must be tough.
    However, posting sophomoric and inappropriate trash like the article about what to do when you poop your pants is just plain immature. I know you can’t please everyone every day, but looking at all of articles from the first year and a half of Best Article’s existence I noticed that not one of the articles could be considered garbage.
    Please grow up. Read a few of the articles from the beginnings of Best Article, and hopefully that will remind you of what people actually enjoyed when your site was created.
    Again, thank you for your effort. I really do enjoy a majority of what is posted, but recently there has been an increase in the number of posts as described above. I hope that you or whoever is in charge of picking the articles that are posted remember that the site’s name is not “The Most Popular Article Every Day,” but “The BEST Article Every Day.” Many times there is a huge difference.

  6. Willard H.

    Lemme see, what were those comments again? “…garbage,” “Oh boy…here we go again.,” “juvenile and LAME. Who runs this site…8ith graders?” “deep, really deep,” “so hit or miss,” and “sophomoric and inappropriate trash.”

    I see no reason to add more. After that bottom-ot-the-barrel Feb. streak, it’s hard to imagine anything worse than those “Jesus murder” or “porno flow chart” days.

    Why not just quit now, before “Best Article “again sinks to the depth of that lowest ebb? Or better yet, get a volunteer editorial board that somehow agrees on what’s best?

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