Written by dailyrft
Anybody can do it! Follow these instructions:
(Editor’s Note: This actually happened last weekend; check out the story at Lake News Online)
1) Grab two other dudes and steal a Kawasaki Mule (kind of like a golf cart on steroids)
2) Vroom-vroom your way into a resort parking lot.
3) Try to run over a security guard (don’t worry, he’ll jump out of the way – whoa CRAZY!)
4) Ditch the Mule and gambol off, giddy that you’ve outwitted The Man!
6) Allow enough time for somebody to find it and hand it over to the police department.
7) Show up at the police department to claim your lost wallet.
8) Presto! You’re in handcuffs. Unreal is so proud you reached your gaol goal. Unreal will NOT be bailing you out.
Are you boring??? take a time playing games dude
Hell, I can get arrested in ONE STEP.
How lame is this article ?
Please go get a life dude!! dnt post sick article here and call it the “the best article of the day”.
dudee shutt upp justt becausee youu didntt comee up withh thiss dosentt meann you havee to be a bit. aboutt thiss kayy ??
Says the guy who relies on someone else to entertain him…
how do you get arrested if you are sad and hurt
wht da hell if u really want to get arrested then just prank call da po po u dont even need to leave ur house
its not hard to get arrested no need to red this bloody story my god people have so much better things to do lol
rape a lady cop , let her go & get arrested instantly.
Rohit shutt upp justt becausee youu didntt comee up withh thiss dosentt meann you havee to be a bit. aboutt thiss kayy ??