TOP 2: Why replanted forrests donโt create the same ecosystem as old-growth, natural forrests.
@endangeredecosystems See a summary of the structural differences between coastal old-growth temperate forests and the ensuing second-growth tree plantations that they are being replaced with – which are re-logged every 50 to 60 years in BC, never to become old-growth again. Old-growth forests are vital to support unique endangered species, the climate, tourism, clean water, wild salmon, and First Nations cultures whose unceded territories these are. Please Send a Message to help protect BC old-growth forests at the link in our profile. #oldgrowthforest #bigtree #endangeredecosystemsalliance ? original sound – Endangered Ecosystems Alliance
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@shneor_sa (?? ????? ????) #speed #fast #Turbo ? Shameless – ?
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