Author Archives: admin

Five Birthday Happy

Thanks benandjerrygirl translate this letter from google translate rebot.

Dear Readers. May the 3rd was the fifth birthday of Thank you for the past five years of companionship. Because of you, I have the means to keep updating the blog.

I still remember the day in 2007 when I was visiting the digg site. Suddenly I felt people would want to read a great article every day so bspcn began its five year journey of adventure. The domain name was temporary and I intended to give this up at renewal.

I was about to graduate and I did not think that this site brought me what I felt I needed. I wanted to share happiness and this site has brought me beyond my imagination. It brings me some income and more importantly it allows me to spend time doing what I want to do. My updates haven’t been so frequent recently but the warm messages I’ve had from readers have made me great.

The five years have been mostly happy but some things have gone wrong. In early 2008, in the middle of the most special holiday in my country, dreamhost closed my account so that could not get access. Fortunatly I had backed everything up or we would have had to say goodbye.

Over the past five years, Google for me, is a good friend and an enemy. Adsense have provided a site most of the sources of income, but the panda algorithm caused our ranking to plummet, and now there has been basically no traffic from Google. It makes me sad is that Google actually banned the adsense account in , because there was an adult image. In fact, just because the color of the image close to the skin, and this Sourceโ€™s website, adsense is still normal.

Because of this blow from Google I was distracted by some other work and could not spend a lot of time for the selection of articles, which also caused the website to update very slowly. To say sorry, I will try to keep updated daily. Over the past five years, every day I have spent a lot of time to pick the best articles for everyone.

When the decline of digg, I go to reddit, google plus and other sites continue to look for interesting things to post. The internet has moved from blog era into the picture time and it is difficult to find a fresh article. Perhaps they are hidden in someone’s facebook timeline.It is inevitable that has transformed from the best articles to the best post website. I might find a picture or a video to pique your interest.

But my standards are consistent, that is, what we read there will be something to give you a beautiful day. I will try to reject items which might be libelous, religious or political, pornographic or other nsfw. I want to the reader laugh or to gain something, That makes my day!.

On copyright issues, in my opinion, if the bspcn site infringes on some rights of the author, Iโ€™m sorry, as long as you contact me I will immediately delete it. If you get greater traffic to your article however that will be a good thing, Our subscribers have thousands of contacts. Believe that the value of your articles will benefit more people.
Finally, I want to say, five years from now, when bspcn celebrates its 10-years-old birthday, I hope to still traveling with you, sharing beautiful reading together. Thank you!

Because English is not my native language, this article was mostly translated by Google. Please understand that and forgive me. webmaster

PS: If you can read Chinese, Please click on the original.