Author Archives: admin
Google yourself?
Love is not a political statement
Bonus: *How to Fix Any Computer*
How true is this 😀
P.s. satire Dont eat me linux, apple or windows fans! ?
This is true.
Become More Optimistic: 6 Smart Tricks
Written by Geoffrey James
To acquire a more positive attitude, all you really need is a more powerful vocabulary. Try these linguistic shifts.
Some people see the world through a filter of optimism: They always make lemonade from the lemons, no matter what happens. Others see the world through a filter of pessimism; they always find the cloud in the silver lining.
It’s a truism of life that the optimists are always more successful than the pessimists, but that raises a crucial questions: how can you change your attitude to be more optimistic? The answer? Change the words that you use every day to describe your experience.
Here are some quick language tricks that can change your attitude.
1. Stop using negative phrases … such as “I can’t,” “It’s impossible,” or “This won’t work.” Such statements program your mind to look for negative results.
2. When asked “How are you?” … respond with “Terrific!” or “Fabulous!” or “I’ve never felt better!” rather than a depressing “OK” or “Getting by.”
3. Stop complaining … about things over which you have no control—such as the economy, your company, or your customers.
4. Stop griping … about your personal problems and illnesses. What good does it do, other than to depress you and everyone else?
5. Substitute neutral words … for emotionally loaded ones. For example, rather than saying “I’m enraged!” say “I’m a bit annoyed”—or, better yet, “I’ve got a real challenge.”
6. Expunge profanity and obscenity … from your vocabulary. Such words are always signs of a lazy mind that can’t think of something really witty to say.
Rules 1 through 4 came from Jeff Keller, author of the bestseller Attitude Is Everything. Rule 5 come from Tony Robbins. Rule 6, as it happens, comes from my mother.
Bonus:(????)? Happy Valentine’s Day!
You have to read the second part out loud – ROFL!
No malice intended
Rare photos of the old and the dead
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Shaquille O’neal
Bob Marley and The Jackson Five, 1975
Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein
Charlie Chapling and Gandhi
Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee
Danny DeVito and Christopher Reeve
Dave Grohl and Kurt Cobain
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
Elvis Presley and Tom Jones
Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly
George Harrison and Bob Marley
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, and Harvey Firestone, 1921
Ian Fleming and Sean Connery
James Brown and Mick Jagger, 1964
James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor
Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash
Jimi Hendrix & Mick Jagger, New York, 1969
John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Pierre Elliot Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada), 1969
Johnny Cash and Ray Charles
Madonna, Sting, and 2Pac
Marilyn Monroe and Sammy Davis Jr.
Marilyn Monroe meets Queen Elizabeth II, 1956
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X
Martin Luther King Jr. and Marlon Brando
Michael Jackson & Mr. T
Michael Jackson, Francis Ford Coppola, and George Lucas
Mother Teresa and Princess Diana
Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood
Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
The Beatles and Mohammad Ali, 1964
The Cast of the Original Star Wars Trilogy
Walt Disney and Shirley Temple
Ain’t No One
Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson
A 15-year-old puts up a Facebook post bashing her parents for making her work too hard, dad reacts by posting a video response to her grievances on her Facebook page.
Was this parent’s Facebook parenting too harsh?
Bonus: Alphabet taught to kids nowadays….WOW