Author Archives: admin
10 of the best smart phone apps that will save you money
Written by Kara Gammell
You can now get cashback on your mobile with the latest app
Keeping up with the Joneses means making the most of your smart phone. And with the right applications – or apps – you’ll never have to pay full price for a meal out or a good book again.
We have picked 10 apps to help you save money.
10 of the best smart phone apps that will save you money Photo: ANDREW HASSON
1 Quidco
Cost Free
Available for iPhone
Cashback website has just launched an app which rewards users with exclusive money-saving offers just for checking
in to certain high street stores and restaurants.
The UK’s first check-in for cash tool, the Quidco Mobile app lets you make
the most of dozens of money-saving offers in your area such as vouchers and in-store cashback deals when you tap your phone to “check in”.
For instance, this week, check-in at high street retailers such as Debenhams, New Look, Yo Sushi or Esquires Coffee and earn while you shop.
2 Amazon Kindle
Cost Free
Available for iPhone, iPad and Android
Bookworms and commuters will love this free to download app which will let you install Kindle software to read e-books on the move – saving you from forking out as much as £150 for the reading device alone.
With more than a million free books to download from the Kindle Store, it is like having a virtual library of free books at your finger tips.
3 Vouchercloud
Cost Free
Available for iPhone and Android
Vouchercloud uses GPS technology to pinpoint offers and discounts nearest to you. Just pick the offer you want by pressing the redeem button and the voucher is delivered directly to your phone screen.
For example, this week you can download vouchers for 25pc off your bill at Bella Italia, Strada or Café Rouge.
4 Onavo
Cost Free
Available for iPhone, iPad and Android
With the cost of data rising and more mobile providers capping limits, this app can save you a fortune as it claims to give users up to 80pc off their data bills. Once downloaded, this app continuously runs on your device and shrinks the data used every day when browsing the web.
5 0870
Cost 59p
Available for iPhone, iPod touch or Android
Stop paying more than you need on customer service lines with this app. Many companies will use 0870, 0800 or 0845 for customer service, which usually costs 35p per minute to call. This app will turn these numbers into 01 or 02 numbers, which will come out of your contracted minutes.
6 Spotify
Cost Free
Available for iPhone, Android, Symbian, Palm, Windows phone
For music on the move, why not download the Spotify Mobile app and wirelessly sync all your own songs to your handset? Buy whole Spotify playlists and download them in a few clicks. There’s no access to the Spotify music library or Offline mode, but you can log in to Spotify and search for tracks.
Upgrade your membership to Unlimited or Premium for either £4.99-£9.99 a month respectively and stream any of the 13 million tracks in the Spotify library.
7 Ringo Car Parking
Cost Free
Available for Android
Avoid costly car parks with this app from the same company that allows drivers to pay at many NCP and council car parks over the phone with a credit or debit card.
It promises to help you find the best price on parking and allows you to extend the time on the meter so you avoid hefty fines if you are late getting back to your car.
8 Tesco
Cost Free
Available for iPhone
Never buy duplicate items on your food shopping again with the bar-code scanner on Tesco’s groceries app.
When you run out of something in the kitchen, just scan the item and it will automatically be added to your online shopping on the supermarket’s website.
9 Love Food, Hate Waste
Cost: Free
Available for iPhone
Food waste costs the average family more than £680 a year, according to waste management group WRAP. Plan in advance what you are going to eat for the week to avoid throwing out the food you meant to cook at the end of it.
Use this app’s handy portion-size planner to help you prepare the right amount of food and eliminate waste. Or use the recipe blender to try to prepare meals from ingredients you already have in your cupboard.
10 RedLaser
Cost Free
Available for iPhone and Android
Compare prices on the shop floor with this bar-code reading app. Simply scan the item you wish to buy with RedLaser and compare prices of products online by instantly searching TheFind, Google Product Search, eBay and
Bonus: A modest proposal to make finding & coordinating with friends easier over text message.
9 Confessions Of A Former Geek Squad Geek
Written by Chris Morran Photo by Someone Named Meg
Consumerist reader K. recently ended his 4.5 year tenure as a Geek Squad member at Best Buy. And while he says that he considers his time there to be “generally a positive experience,” K. did feel that there is some backstage info the public might want to know.
K. writes:
1. A high percentage of Geek Squad employees lack basic troubleshooting skills such as correctly identifying malfunctioning components. This stems from inadequate and outdated training materials, such as the Best Buy Learning Lounge.
2. People are hired or promoted from other departments to Geek Squad simply to sell services. Specifically, individuals who have no experience working on computers are given the appearance of being a technician.
3. Selling services and warranties are pushed more than actually completing repairs. I remember one instance where my GM said that selling a new computer with services was more important than completing a customer’s unit that they had already paid for.
4. Employees are taught situational tactics to extract as much money as possible from a potential customer. If an individual had a small software issue that could simply be resolved, then we were taught to charge $200.
5. Although this changed shortly before I left, Geek Squad employees at the store I worked at were required to track each individual sale. Before the end of your shift, you were required to get a manager to look at your sales sheet and sign it. If you weren’t doing so well, then the manager “coached” you on how to sell more services.
6. Best Buy Credit Cards were pushed to customers at every available opportunity. More than once, I witnessed Best Buy employees talking to people about signing up for a credit card, only to find out they were not old enough. Also, we were taught in Geek Squad to push the credit card even if the customer was already paying with another form of tender.
7. There is no chance for advancement within the Geek Squad department. The only position an employee could move up to is the Manager.
8. Best Buy does not encourage Geek Squad employees to get certifications or reimburse or pay for part of taking a certification. I specifically remember inquiring about this, and apparently there exists such a program for the GS Auto Techs in which they also get paid more for each certification passed, but not for GS Computer Techs.
9. Geek Squad City, the repair center for repairs we could not do in-store (any repair that was not a hard drive, memory, or power supply replacement), routinely completed unsatisfactory repair work. There were times I would send off a computer 3 times for a verified issue and the unit would come back with the same issue un-repaired. The worst example I can remember was a laptop that had its screen replaced and where the webcam was supposed to be on the screen bezel was instead a screw that held the LCD together.
Bonus: Roald Dahl, you are a good man.
My teacher told me that I may just have created the world’s creepiest children’s book.
8 Home Buying Secrets Your Real Estate Agent Won’t Tell You
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When they’re finally ready to make the jump from renting to home ownership, most first time homebuyers enlist a real estate agent to help them through the process. No wonder: buying a home is complicated and when it’s your first time, you feel like you could use some hand-holding.
Real estate agents provide a valuable service and are generally well-paid as a result. There’s nothing wrong with that. But money does have a way of distorting relationships — even when honest people are involved.
Here are some tips that will help you, as a first time homebuyer, take full advantage of today’s real estate market and get the most out of your relationship with your real estate agent.
1. Your agent is your agent
When you’re new to the process, it is easy to believe that the guy with 20 years’ experience calls the shots. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Your real estate professional is your agent: he or she works for you, gives you advice and negotiates on your behalf. He doesn’t make decisions for you and you should not expect him to.
2. Only fools fall in love
After you’ve looked at a few houses that weren’t quite right, your agent will probably tell you not to get discouraged, and that eventually you will “fall in love” with the right property.
Love makes you do stupid things. Stupid things like paying too much or looking past costly repair items. As a first-time homebuyer, you should develop a healthy ‘like’ for a property, but keep the relationship open, see other houses. There will be plenty of time for “love” after you’ve put in the 300 hours of sweat equity to make your house a home.
3. Be willing to walk away
If you never fall in love with a piece of real estate, you’ll never cry when you have to walk away from it. Real estate agents often use the phrase “my client will walk away” and some use it quite loosely to stress the importance of a point for negotiation. If you want to retain the full strength of your position as a buyer, you’ll need “I’ll walk away” to mean that you are done if your demands aren’t met.
For your agent to communicate this correctly to the seller, he needs to know that you mean what you say. And yes, if it reaches that point, you will need to walk away from a property. Not to worry: there are others out there. But don’t be surprised if you hear back from the seller a week later that he is willing to work with your demands.
4. Time is on your side
Your agent is going to tell you that you have to move quickly and make the best offer possible when you find the right property. This is not always the best advice. As a first time homebuyer, you are in a unique position of strength in terms of the real estate transaction. You aren’t selling your home, so you don’t have to move. You can look at and make offers on many properties. You can start with a low offer and negotiate upwards if the seller balks. You can table a counter-offer and look around a bit before deciding to pay more. The opposite is generally true of sellers in a buyer’s market. They need to sell the property and are motivated to move as quickly as possible. Use time to your advantage.
5. Your agent is not your friend
Your agent performs valuable services in the real estate transaction, but he really doesn’t make anything until you buy a piece of real estate. That makes him a salesman. Being a salesman, he wants you to feel like he is a friend who has your best interests at heart.
The reality is that your interests and your agent’s may not be aligned. He is actually better off financially if you make a quick decision and pay too much for a property. This is, after all, likely the largest business transaction of your life. Make sure that your agent, regardless of how personable he is, understands that you are a customer and that you need him to drive the best business deal for you.
6. The listing agent just might be your best friend
In the New York Times best-selling book Freakanomics, authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner point out that real estate agents typically market their own homes for 10 days longer than they market their clients’ homes. Is this because they are so busy with their clients that they don’t have time to market their own homes?
No, it really comes down to how we incent real estate agents with commission. When an agent is selling his own home, he enjoys the full benefit of any increase in sales price so he is extremely motivated to market for as long as possible to get the best sales price possible. But when it comes to a client’s home, an extra week on the market might lead to a higher sales price for the seller — but the agent will only enjoy a very small amount of that increase in the form of marginal increase to commission. Meanwhile, marketing a home for another week would take him away from marketing someone else’s property. As such, the listing agent is highly motivated to convince the seller that your offer is the best offer he is going to receive. Use this to your advantage and make offers that are good for you.
7. There is no such thing as an embarrassingly low offer
When it comes to a property that has been sitting with no action, there is no such thing as an offer that is too low. Some agents will tell you that that you could offend the seller or that your offer is embarrassing. A good agent will encourage you to make strategically low offers. Offers are really not a lot of work and the worst thing that can happen is that your offer is not accepted. Often, however, in a buyer’s market a low offer will turn into a counter-offer. Think of the first offer as the starting point for negotiations and be prepared to consider counter-offers.
8. Online real estate companies can save you money
Over the past decade, online real estate companies have started to take market share away from traditional brick-and-mortar agencies. They’ve grown by offering discounts and rebates on the traditional 3% real estate commission. RedFin, one of the leading online real estate companies, offers buyers a rebate of up to 50% of the commission at close. RedFin also compensates their agents with salary as opposed to commission, which alleviates some conflict of interest issues. Granted, the service may not be as extensive or personalized — but the extra cash may offset the drawbacks.
8 Home Buying Secrets Your Real Estate Agent Won’t Tell You was provided by
Bonus:So they were giving out free Dr. Peppers…
The Top 5 Reasons Why Men Cheat
Written by Eric
I am going to attempt to answer a question about men that many girls have been wondering with five simple reasons. Women have been wondering why men cheat for years. I mean its not like women don’t cheat but many of them need a deeper connection with a guy before they do it. It didn’t used to be like that, but I guess they figured, "If the guys can do it then we can too." Its just not the same for guys. Men are not tied to emotions when it comes to sexual partners. Guys can have sex with a girl that they don’t have any feelings for which brings me to my first reason.
1. Just because its been offered to us.
Lets face it, just like Chris rock said, “It’s almost impossible for a guy to turn down free p***y. If it’s chasing us, we can’t run that fast.” If you are a girl, that means that you have been offered sex every day since you were 12; every guy that’s being nice to you is just offering sex. For most guys (unless you are super famous), it doesn’t happen everyday; we aren’t offered sex that often. It just seems like a wasted opportunity when a girl says no. Men don’t know when a chance like this will ever come again, and if you think about it, it’s partially the girl’s fault. (Ok, ok. That wasn’t fair. I’ll take that back.)
2. Insecurity and trust issues
The insecurity and trust issues are major reasons why a guy constantly cheats on his girlfriend, wife, fiance, whatever. It could be a problem they had from the past relationship or they just don’t feel like they are good looking enough for the girl. This is the number two reason why a guy will cheat on a girl.
3. Not being fulfilled by their girlfriends.
This works both ways. If a girl is not doing the things that the guy likes sexually then they will go out and find somebody that will. So you ask, how come they just can’t break up with them and find somebody who will? I mean, think about it this way: Most times it’s the good girl that doesn’t want to do the freaky things the guy wants. Now other things might just be perfect or damn near close, something as simple as she has a car or makes more money.
4. She told you that she cheated before
You ever heard of the phrase, “Once a cheater always a cheater?” Well that’s kinda how it works when a guy feels as though his girlfriend has the potential to cheat on him. That could trigger him to cheat first just so that he could have the upper hand. If he finds out that the girl has cheated on him, it wouldn’t bother him as much because he has already done his dirt.
5. Have your cake and eat it too
I never really understood that phrase but I figured I would use a cliché. All I am trying to say is that, some guys just can’t sleep with one girl so ladies if you find yourself with a guy that cheats on you, chances are he will never change. He will always cheat on you and everybody else that he will be with. Something in them will never allow them to be faithful. Its just in their system to go out and cheat on their girl. They can’t be single, but they like to cheat also.
Bonus: Hermione vs. Bella
What Would Happen If The U.S. Went Bankrupt?
5 Best Web Sites for Image Hosting and Photo Sharing
Written by Alan Henry
When you want a service that will organize your uploaded photos, tag them with the date and location, and then share them out to friends, you have plenty of web services to choose from. Many offer editing tools, and others have huge communities. Here’s a look at five of the most popular web sites for robust image hosting.
On Thursday, we asked you which web sites you prefer to manage your photo collections, organize them into galleries, and share them with friends. You weighed in with your suggestions, and we collected the top five. Now we’re back to highlight the ones you suggested.
A number of you noted that SmugMug was the ideal photo hosting service for pros – people who really care about their shots. It might have something to do with the unlimited storage for paid users, live customer support, and the elegant and attractive themes and galleries that SmugMug offers. Additionally, SmugMug allows you to quickly share your photos with friends on Facebook and Twitter, mobile apps for iOS and Android, and support for direct uploads from multiple image editing apps.
Google’s Picasa started off as a small service, but with age and features it grew into a photo hosting and image sharing powerhouse that’s free for everyone to use, gives you editing features and gallery management tools, and both a desktop app to keep track of your photos locally and a web app to help you build galleries to share with the web. Picasa integrates with your Google account for sharing, and while it doesn’t have mobile apps, you will see your Picasa Web Albums photos on your Android phone.
Photobucket does an amazing job of walking the line between social network and photo hosting service. Photobucket’s pride is in its users and the way they can connect to one another, share photos with each other or with the world via Twitter, Facebook, or even on their own sites by embedding their photos directly. Photobucket also has mobile apps for iOS and Android, and now the previously mentioned Snapbucket mobile app that makes snapping photos on your phone a bit more fun.
Close to 700 million users couldn’t be wrong, could they? Uploading your photos directly to Facebook is easy, and since its photo hosting and gallery management tools are easy to use, they’re a great way to get your images in front of the people you want to see them. Plus, you can tag your friends and let them know you uploaded a photo of them, for good or ill. Facebook has mobile apps for virtually every platform, and all of them allow you to post photos. There are no image editing tools, but what it lacks in pro features it makes up for as a social network.
Mention image sharing on the web and Flickr will probably be the first site to jump to mind. With a pro account, you can upload as many photos you want and organize them into as many galleries and collections as you choose. It’s cheap and almost every photo sharing app supports Flickr uploads. Flickr’s competition may have it beat on themes and customizations or mobile apps (Flickr only has official mobile apps for iPhone and Windows Phone 7,) but what it loses it makes up for with an open API and huge community of developers, professional photographers, and photo enthusiasts of all experience levels.
Bonus: Quality Parenting
10 apps you should install FIRST on your iPhone
Written by Chris Rawson
You’ve taken the plunge and bought your first iPhone. You’ve activated your service with your local wireless carrier, connected and synced it with your main computer for the first time, and brought over as much music, photos, and videos as you can squeeze onto it. Maybe you’ve even played around with Apple’s default apps a bit.
“Now what?” you may be asking yourself. “I’ve heard about all the great apps that are available for the iPhone, but where do I start?”
That’s a very good question, and it’s one that gets harder and harder to answer the more apps make their way into Apple’s App Store. With hundreds of thousands of apps now available for the iPhone, it may seem overwhelming trying to sift through them all if this is your first few hours with an iPhone.
Not to worry, because we’ve got you covered. We put our heads together and came up with a list of the apps you should install first on your brand-new, factory-fresh iPhone. Keeping in mind that people from all over the world use iPhones and read TUAW, we excluded from consideration any apps that don’t have full international functionality. This meant leaving a number of very cool and useful apps out of consideration, but we wanted to make sure this is a list that applies toeveryone, not just US or UK readers. We also kept this list pretty simple; if you’re familiar with the way iTunes separates music collections intoThe Basics, Next Steps, and Deep Cuts, you’ll see that we very much went for The Basics for this go-around.
Click “Read More” to see the full list of recommended apps for first-time iPhone users and our rationale for choosing each one.
1. Find My iPhone – This is hands-down the first app that should go on every iPhone, and it’s frankly surprising Apple doesn’t include it out of the box. This free app won’t help you find your own iPhone, but if you live in a house with multiple iPhones and iPads, it will allow you to find someone else’s.
If your wife drops her iPhone behind the couch and can’t find it after several minutes of frantic searching, you can use Find My iPhone on your own device to ping her device and let her find it in seconds. And if your iPhone gets left behind at a bar and someone runs off with it, you can use Find My iPhone on your wife’s device to track down the thief — it happens all the time, and many people have recovered their expensive devices using this simple, free app.
2. Camera+ – For US$1.99, this app does everything the built-in Camera app ought to do. Camera+ takes photography on the iPhone to levels that seem impossible on a cellphone camera. With built-in exposure controls and grid lines, you have much more control over composing your photos. Once you’ve taken your photos, Camera+ gives you access to a tremendously powerful suite of editing tools that can make simple snapshots look like works of art by the time you’re finished.
Camera+ has built-in sharing tools, but if you want a more social experience for photo sharing, there’s nothing better out there right now than Instagram, which lets you share photos simultaneously across not only its own service, but almost every major social network out there. Instagram also has some basic photo filters you can use to make so-so pics stand out a bit more, but the real draw is seeing and commenting on other people’s pics. It’s very much like what Facebook does with pictures, but simultaneously more powerful and more fun.
3. Dropbox – Dropbox gives your iPhone the file storage solution that Apple still refuses to. While you can’t use your iPhone like a hard drive or flash drive to store files locally (at least not without jumping through a lot of hoops), Dropbox is the next best thing. It offers online-based storage of files, with 2 GB of storage space for free. Even better, you can install Dropbox on a Mac or PC, too, which means sharing documents and files between your Mac and your iPhone is as simple as dragging the file into your Dropbox folder.
4. A messaging app – Why give your wireless carrier more money than you already do? Skype does video chat similarly to Apple’s ownFaceTime, but unlike FaceTime, it works over 3G (most of the time). You can also do free Skype-to-Skype audio with other Skype users, and there’s a free (if basic and sometimes flakey) instant messaging feature as well. If you’re already a Skype user and use the service regularly, Skype for the iPhone will serve your needs.
If you’re not using Skype, or if you’d rather not use the service for one reason or another, BeeJiveIM ($9.99) is a much better alternative to Skype’s instant messaging feature. While it won’t do video chatting or voice calls like Skype, BeeJiveIM will allow you to instant message with your friends over a wide variety of services, including AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! chat, GoogleTalk, Facebook, Jabber, and MySpace IM.
If you download both Skype and BeeJiveIM, you’ve got several communications alternatives to what your carrier offers. Instead of paying for minutes of talktime or SMS/MMS services, you can use Skype or BeeJiveIM to keep in touch for much cheaper.
5. Any Twitter app – Speaking of keeping in touch, Twitter is a fully viable replacement for SMS/MMS, especially if your client app has built-in push notifications that will allow you to get instantaneous updates wherever you may be. Again, why give your wireless carrier more money for overly expensive texting packages? Chances are if this is your first iPhone, you haven’t signed up to Twitter yet. Signing up is free, and if you sign up and get your friends to sign up too, with the right Twitter app you’ll be able to ditch your texting plan entirely.
There are so many Twitter apps on the App Store that it’s probably difficult to choose one, but we’ve got some recommendations there, too.Twitter’s official app is a good choice if you’re just starting out with the service; it’s free, well-designed, has all the basic features you’d expect, and doesn’t bog you down with features so quickly that you get confused. Tweetbot ($1.99) is a good step up from Twitter’s official app, especially since it has a very eye-candy and inspired design. If you’re already comfortable with Twitter’s basic features, Echofon is a nice, geeky choice for a Twitter app; it’s not the prettiest of the Twitter clients, but it’s one of the most feature-rich out there.
6. 1Password – Typing in passwords on the iPhone’s keyboard is usually more of a pain than it’s worth, and it’s a good way to feel safe while you’re doing mobile banking. 1Password allows you to store passwords for websites, bank accounts, Wi-Fi networks, whatever you may need. It’s also got a great “wallet” feature that lets you input things you’d normally carry around in your wallet, like discount cards, library cards, or even your driver’s license — just don’t expect the cops to accept your iPhone as legal ID if they pull you over. You can even jot down notes that you want to keep secured from prying eyes. If you want something on your iPhone, but you want to be the only one to have access to it, 1Password is what you need.
7. Instapaper – If you like to read articles online, and if you ever foresee reading them on an iPhone, you want Instapaper ($4.99). With just a bit of initial setup, you can configure a link in Mobile Safari to send articles to your free Instapaper account so you can read them later. Instapaper is an invaluable tool for creating a cache of reading material on your device. See a lengthy article that you don’t have time for now? Send it to Instapaper and read it when you’ve got the time. Does part of your daily commute involve going through areas with no wireless coverage? Store articles in Instapaper before you leave, then read them later on the train. Instapaper’s one of those iPhone apps that may not seem strictly necessary at first, but once you start using it, you’ll never want to be without it again.
8. Evernote – With a simple interface that lets you make notes with text, photos, or audio, this is your brain on iPhone. This free app can also sync notes with its Mac-based counterpart, so you can type up a grocery list in Evernote on your Mac, sync it to Evernote’s online servers, and have that information waiting on your iPhone when you hit the store. With Evernote on your iPhone, you never need to worry about forgetting anything again — at least as long as you remember to look it up in Evernote, that is.
9. An ebook reader app – The thought of reading entire novels on the iPhone’s tiny screen might seem ridiculous at first, at least until you try out either Amazon’s Kindle app or Apple’s own iBooks. If you’ve already got a Kindle, you can sync over any Kindle books you’ve purchased to your iPhone, and you can even sync your reading progress between the devices.
The only drawback to the Kindle app is that you have to back out into Safari if you want to buy more books. Apple’s iBooks isn’t saddled with that restriction, offering you access to a wide variety of titles in the iBookstore (though not nearly as wide a variety as what Amazon offers). Both apps are very competent ereaders, and while you won’t get that book smell while you’re reading, the ability to carry an entire library of books around in your pants pocket is pretty phenomenal.
10. Any game – The iPhone’s a great communications and productivity device, but it’s also got one of the widest games selections ever. Whether you’re just after some casual fun or an in-depth, full-featured experience, you’ll be able to find it on the App Store. You’ve probably already heard of Angry Birds ($0.99) by now, and that’s as good a place as any to start your iPhone gaming experience if you’re just after some pick-up-and-play fun. Plants vs. Zombies ($2.99) and Tiny Wings($0.99) are other casual titles that are good for first-timers to check out.
If you want to see what the iPhone’s really capable of, download Infinity Blade ($2.99 as of this writing, normally priced $4.99). The gameplay is a bit on the simplistic side, but it has the best graphics of any game on the App Store, with visuals that rival the quality of games on the PlayStation 3. If you find yourself exclaiming “This is on a phone?!” after a couple minutes with this game, you’ll see why we recommended it.
11. TUAW – Okay, we fudged the headline a little bit: this list goes to 11. Our own app will get you the best Apple-related news anywhere on your iPhone. Everything you see at our site, you’ll find in our app.
Keep in mind that this list is only the tiniest sample of what’s out there for the iPhone. We left out a lot of great apps from this list — particularly if you’re in the US, there are several amazing apps out there that we didn’t cover here. But the apps covered in this list will serve as a good jumping-off point for your experience with the iPhone. Above all, don’t just stop once you’ve downloaded the apps on this list; part of the fun of having an iPhone is exploring what’s available for it on the App Store.
We’ll have more posts like this in the future with more app recommendations. Meanwhile, enjoy your new iPhone!