{"id":3994,"date":"2011-05-27T23:59:59","date_gmt":"2011-05-28T06:59:59","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.bspcn.com\/?p=3994"},"modified":"2011-05-28T03:25:21","modified_gmt":"2011-05-28T10:25:21","slug":"the-every-guys-guide-holding-hands-in-public","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/localhost\/wordpress\/2011\/05\/27\/the-every-guys-guide-holding-hands-in-public\/","title":{"rendered":"The Every Guy’s Guide: Holding hands in public"},"content":{"rendered":"
Written by guyism<\/a><\/p>\n It finally feels like spring (for those of us unfortunate enough to live in four season states), and that means the sidewalks are flooded with people. Now that it\u2019s warm and the sun is shining, it seems as if every couple has taken to the streets to advertise their undying love for each other. I\u2019m all for free, especially if it\u2019s fleeting, love, but there need to be some guidelines for public behavior.<\/p>\n Specifically, I want to address holding hands in public. It may seem like a harmless display of affection, but if mismanaged, it becomes a nuisance to everyone nearby. The three main things that you need to consider are the impression it gives, if look like an idiot, and most importantly, if you are in my way. I may have the agility of a gibbon, but I don\u2019t feel that it\u2019s my responsibility to go Ninja Warrior just to get to home from work every day.<\/p>\n Here\u2019s a quick guide to what to avoid, what\u2019s allowed, and what you should start doing. Follow these to the letter or accept the fact that I may play a one-man game of Red Rover with you and lady friend.<\/p>\n Approved Methods of Holding Hands<\/p>\n If you\u2019ve ever had the privilege of holding a woman\u2019s hand, this was most likely what it looked like. It\u2019s a standard maneuver. It\u2019s not embarrassing, yet not overbearing. No one will think twice about it, but it lets your lady-friend know that you care. Much like with a cocktail, you really can\u2019t go wrong with something traditional.<\/p>\n This is the typical hand-lock for anyone who has been together for a decent length of time. It tells her that you aren\u2019t holding her hand just to make her happy but rather that you actually enjoy her company. If you pull this off during the first couple dates, sex is almost guaranteed to follow. Yes, I know that\u2019s a big jump, but locking fingers is flat out sexy.<\/p>\n Yes, that\u2019s it. There are only two. Anything else should be avoided like Lady Gaga\u2019s nether regions.<\/p>\n Forbidden Hand-Holding Techniques<\/p>\n While at first this seems very similar to the traditional hold, they aren\u2019t as close as they appear. Unless you are the sort of person that dominates your woman (not in the good way), stay away from a one-sided grip. Clearly one person is doing all the holding in this case, and the other is just along for the ride. Women are our peers, at least they will be if the Equal Rights Amendment ever passes, and should be treated as such. Save this one for your daughter, if you are so unlucky as to have one.<\/p>\n If you ever find yourself partaking in a pinky hold, please immediately check to ensure your man parts are still intact. This may be the most emasculating thing you can do in public. I would sooner carry around my girlfriend\u2019s teacup poodle in a pink bag than be caught by a friend while holding hands like this. Not only does it make you look like you are 14, it also shows that your woman clearly wears the pants in the relationship. Remember, we\u2019re still the ones that can pee standing up, and that means something where I come from.<\/p>\n The love chain is the inspiration for my desire to play a one-sided game of Red Rover. You may be thinking that people don\u2019t actually do this, but trust me, they do. Apparently there are hundreds of couples in Chicago that feel they are the only people that use the sidewalk. As it turns out though, that isn\u2019t the case. I don\u2019t even get the concept of this because clearly you are trying to stay as far away from each other as possible while still touching. Color me confused. Why don\u2019t you just get a new girlfriend that you actually like? This is also the hold most likely to involve a swinging arm, and I have almost taken a fist to the face on several occasions.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
<\/a>The Traditional<\/strong><\/p>\n
<\/a>Interlacing Fingers<\/strong><\/p>\n
<\/a>The Solo Grip<\/strong><\/p>\n
<\/a>The Pinky Hold<\/strong><\/p>\n
<\/a>The Long Distance<\/strong><\/p>\n