{"id":4404,"date":"2011-09-26T00:26:00","date_gmt":"2011-09-26T07:26:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.bspcn.com\/2011\/09\/26\/6-ways-the-rich-are-waging-a-class-war-against-the-american-people\/"},"modified":"2011-09-26T00:26:00","modified_gmt":"2011-09-26T07:26:00","slug":"6-ways-the-rich-are-waging-a-class-war-against-the-american-people","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/localhost\/wordpress\/2011\/09\/26\/6-ways-the-rich-are-waging-a-class-war-against-the-american-people\/","title":{"rendered":"6 Ways the Rich Are Waging a Class War Against the American People"},"content":{"rendered":"
Written by alternet<\/a><\/p>\n Denying the very existence of an entire class of citizens? That’s waging some very real warfare against them. <\/p>\n There hasn’t been any organized, explicitly class-based violence in this country for generations, so what, exactly, does \u201cclass warfare\u201d really mean? Is it just an empty political catch-phrase?<\/p>\n The American Right has decided that returning the tax rate paid by the wealthiest Americans from what it was during the Bush years (which, incidentally, featured the slowest job growth under any president in our history, at 0.45 percent per year<\/a>) to what they forked over during the Clinton years (when job growth happened to average 1.6 percent per year) is the epitome of class warfare. Sure, it would leave top earners with a tax rate 10 percentage points below what they were paying after Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts, but that’s the conservative definition of "eating the rich" these days.<\/p>\n I recently offered a less Orwellian definition<\/a>, arguing that real class warfare is when those who have already achieved a good deal of prosperity pull the ladder up behind them by attacking the very things that once allowed working people to move up and join the ranks of the middle class.<\/p>\n But there’s another way of looking at \u201cclass war\u201d: habitually vilifying the unfortunate; claiming that their plight is a manifestation of some personal flaw or cultural deficiency. Conservatives wage this form of class warfare virtually every day, consigning millions of people who are down on their luck to some subhuman underclass.<\/p>\n The belief that there exists a large pool of \u201cundeserving poor\u201d who suck the lifeblood out of the rest of society lies at the heart of the Right’s demonstrably false \u201cculture of poverty\u201d narrative. It’s a narrative that runs through Ayn Rand’s works. It comes to us in bizarre spin that holds up the rich as \u201cwealth producers\u201d and \u201cjob creators.\u201d<\/p>\n And it affects our public policies. In his classic book, Why Americans Hate<\/i> Welfare<\/i><\/a>, Martin Gilens found a striking disconnect: significant majorities of Americans told pollsters that they wanted public spending to fight poverty to be increased at the same time that similar majorities said they were opposed to welfare. Gilens studied a number of different opinion polls and concluded that the disconnect was driven by a widespread belief that \u201cmost welfare recipients don’t really need it,\u201d and by racial animus \u2013 \u201cperceptions that welfare recipients are undeserving and blacks are lazy.\u201d<\/p>\n That narrative ignores two simple and indisputable truths. First, contrary to popular belief, we don’t all start out with the same opportunities. The reality is that in the U.S. today, the best predictor of a newborn baby’s economic future is how much money his or her parents make.<\/p>\n It also ignores the fact that living in an individualistic, capitalist society carries inherent risk. You can do everything right \u2013 study hard, work diligently, keep your nose clean \u2013 but if you fall victim to a random workplace accident, you can nevertheless end up being disabled in the blink of an eye and find yourself in need of public assistance. You can end up bankrupt under a pile of healthcare bills or you could lose your job if you’re forced to take care of an ailing parent. Children \u2013 innocents who aren’t even old enough to work for themselves \u2013 are among the largest groups receiving various forms of public assistance.<\/p>\n Of course, there are always people who game the system, but they represent a tiny minority of recipients; a Massachusetts study found that fully 93 percent<\/a> of all cases of \u201cwelfare fraud\u201d were committed not by the \u201cundeserving poor,\u201d but by vendors \u2013 hospitals, pharmacies, nursing homes, etc.<\/p>\n Smearing those who face real structural barriers to achievement or who will inevitably face real and random misfortunes in a \u201cdynamic,\u201d capitalist society \u2013 that’s some real class warfare. Here are six excellent examples of the form.<\/p>\n 1. Registering the Poor to Vote is ‘UnAmerican’<\/strong><\/p>\n Matthew Vadum is a very special wingnut. His current pre-occupation is attacking Zombie ACORN — an organization that sane people know to have been killed off last year by James O’Keef’s selectively-edited videos but which Vadum insists is alive and well and looking to undermine America by organizing poor communities.<\/p>\n Vadum recently wrote a very special column<\/a> in The American Thinker<\/i>, in which he railed against efforts to get poor people registered to vote. What made the column noteworthy is that Vadum skipped the usual conservative blather about \u201cvoter fraud\u201d \u2013 a problem that’s virtually nonexistent<\/a> \u2013 and offered a refreshingly honest take on the subject. The problem, according to Vadum, is that \u201cthe poor can be counted on to vote themselves more benefits by electing redistributionist politicians. Welfare recipients are particularly open to demagoguery and bribery.\u201d<\/p>\n Registering them to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals. It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n Rarely has so much wrongness been packed into so few words. Less than half of those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families<\/a> (TANF) \u2013 the most significant anti-poverty program remaining in our welfare system after the Clinton-era \u201creforms\u201d \u2013 are unemployed. About a quarter work jobs that earn poverty wages, and the rest aren’t in the workforce because they’re disabled, caring for a relative or they’re children. In fact, almost half<\/a> (48.1 percent) of all TANF families receive benefits only for the kids, not the adults. It’s true that children are, in strictly economic terms, \u201cnonproductive,\u201d but they will be productive someday, and more so if they receive adequate nutrition, housing, health care and the like.<\/p>\n The other problem with this argument is the idea that the poor vote for \u201credistributionist politicians.\u201d First, because all<\/i> politicians are \u201dredistributionist\u201d<\/a> \u2013 it’s what government does \u2013 and second, because, as Martin Gilens discovered, while Americans hate the word \u201cwelfare,\u201d large majorities \u2013 71 percent of Americans; not just the poor \u2013 believe that spending on anti-poverty programs should be increased (as long as you don’t call it welfare).<\/p>\n Contrary to Vadum’s beliefs, there is only a small number of true reactionaries who desire to live in a society that doesn’t care for the poor and disabled, and it is in fact they who are \u201cprofoundly antisocial.\u201d<\/p>\n 2. Unemployment Benefits Have Created a ‘Nation of Slackers’<\/strong><\/p>\n Media Matters says<\/a>, \u201cIt’s taken three years, but America has finally graduated from being ‘a nation of whiners’ in 2008 to ‘a nation of slackers’ in 2011 \u2014 at least, that’s what Rep. Steve King (R-IA) believes we’ve accomplished.\u201d King, a right-winger’s right-winger, took to the floor of the House to deliver this word-salad:<\/p>\n The former speaker of the House, Speaker Pelosi, has consistently said that unemployment checks are one of those reliable and immediate forms of economy recovery, that you get a lot of bang for your buck when you pay people not to work, and they will go out and spend that money immediately, therefore we should pass out unemployment checks and stimulate the economy. That statement is ridiculous where I come from, Mr. Speaker. To pay people not to work, and somehow in that formula it stimulates the economy.\u2026<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n The 80 million Americans that are of working age but are simply not in the workforce need to be put to work. We can’t have a nation of slackers… We’ve gotta get this country back to work and get those people out of the slacker rolls and onto the employed rolls.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n Here, too, we have a shining gem of wrongness. And a common one \u2013 the belief that unemployment benefits discourage people from working is widespread on the Right.<\/p>\n Here’s a simple reality-check: there are no jobs! According to the Economic Policy Institute<\/a>, \u201cthere are 6.9 million fewer jobs today than there were in December 2007.\u201d Of course, the working-age population has grown by over 4 million<\/a> in that same time. Do the math. As Mike Thornton noted<\/a> on AlterNet, when you add people who are working a part-time gig but want a full-time job to the unemployed, you get 25.4 million workers vying for 3.2 million full-time job openings, \u201cor 8 unemployed or underemployed workers per job.\u201d<\/p>\n This is more of the same: King’s painting a picture of the undeserving poor living the good life on the tab of hard-working Americans. So it’s worth noting that among developed countries, the US offers some of the stingiest unemployment benefits around \u2013 only two countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) replaced a smaller share of a worker’s earnings<\/a> than the U.S. in 2004, and only the Czech Republic offered unemployment coverage for a shorter time.<\/p>\n In 2008, those unemployed Americans who qualified for benefits got $293 per week, or about 35 percent of their lost income, and that’s why conservative spin that the jobless are living it up on their unemployment checks instead of trying to find work is so ludicrous. (There is, however, some evidence that this is actually true in places like Scandinavia, where people who lose their jobs still take in 70 percent or more of their income, and in some cases can do so for an unlimited amount of time.)<\/p>\n King drives his point home using a classic tactic: take big numbers out of context to distort reality. There are in fact 85 million \u201cAmericans that are of working age but are simply not in the workforce,\u201d and he would have you believe they’re all \u201cslackers.\u201d But that figure includes stay-at-home spouses, people who live off of investment income rather than a job, entrepenuers, and of course the disabled and ill \u2013 people who can’t work. Back in January 2001<\/a>, when the unemployment rate was just 4.2 percent, there were 69 million working-age adults who weren’t in the labor force. And the working-age population has grown by about 22 million since then.<\/p>\n And, of course, Nancy Pelosi was right<\/a> that unemployment benefits have a huge amount of stimulus bang-for-the-buck — King is not only a brazen class warrior, he’s also economically illiterate.<\/p>\n 3. You Can’t Really Be Poor if You Have a Color TV!<\/strong><\/p>\n Is it not the height of class war to make a conscious effort to erase the poor from the public’s view? That has been a longterm project on the Right, and one of the classic, if shopworn arguments goes like this<\/a>: back in the 1930s (or 1950s, or 1970s, depending on the speaker), most poor people didn’t own color TVs, but now 97 percent of them do! So the poor really should stop bitching \u2013 they’re living the high life!<\/p>\n Now, as of this writing, Craigslist offers the following items for free in the San Francisco Bay area<\/a>: several TVs, multiple armchairs, a set of swivel bar stools, a stainless steel refrigerator, a Nordictrak elliptical trainer, a bunch of sofas and bed-sets \u2013 including a \u201clike new\u201d leather couch \u2013 a countertop grill, a \u201dbeautiful pine armoir\u201d and some \u201cHydro Massage Soaking Tub and Sinks.\u201d Those are just the listings posted in one morning. We create a lot of goods and people want the shiniest, newest things, so there are a ton of obsolete but still functional items like TVs and washer-dryers out there that one can get for nothing or next to nothing.<\/p>\n Perhaps my favorite example of the genre is the claim, accurate but divorced from context, that our poor have it good because they don’t necessarily live in shoe-boxes. As the Wall Street Journal<\/i> was happy to point out<\/a>, \u201cThe average living space for poor American households is 1,200 square feet. In Europe, the average space for all households, not just the poor, is 1,000 square feet.\u201d Case closed! American-style capitalism for the win!<\/p>\n Well, not really. This is a simple matter of population density: in the EU-15, there are 120 people per square kilometer; in the United States, we only have 29 people per kilometer. And that average obviously includes people living in sparsely populated rural expanses. I live in a tightly packed U.S. city, and given that most middle-class people here can\u2019t even dream of affording 1,200 square feet, I don\u2019t think our poor folks can either.<\/p>\n 4. Food-Stamps: ‘A Fossil That Repeats All the Errors of the War on Poverty’<\/strong><\/p>\n Sometimes what passes for an \u201cargument\u201d is just stating a simple reality in an ominous tone. Consider this string of English words<\/a>, offered by the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector:<\/p>\n "Some people like to camouflage this by calling it a nutrition program, but it’s really not different from cash welfare," said Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, whose views have a following among conservatives on Capitol Hill. "Food stamps is quasi money."<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n There are strict limits on what can be purchased with food stamps, which isn’t true of money, but, yes, they do contribute to a household’s financial health in the same way that cash does. That doesn’t negate the fact that it is, indeed, a nutrition program. But Rector wasn’t done \u2013 it gets better:<\/p>\n Arguing that aid discourages work and marriage, Mr. Rector said food stamps should contain work requirements as strict as those placed on cash assistance. "The food stamp program is a fossil that repeats all the errors of the war on poverty," he said.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n Perhaps this works in the same magical way that gay marriage \u201cdiscourages marriage\u201d \u2013 I don’t know. But what is clear is that, in the words of one anti-hunger activist, "Without food stamps, we’d have starvation." According to the USDA<\/a>, \u201c14.5 percent of households were food insecure at least some time during\u201d the past year, and \u201c5.4 percent of households experienced food insecurity in the more severe range, described as very low food security.\u201d It’s also the case that about a third of those who are eligible to receive nutritional assistance don’t, in part because of the stigma that people like Robert Rector has worked so hard to encourage.<\/p>\n These are real people experiencing very real problems making ends meet, yet Rector and his ilk would make it more difficult to get assistance because they’ve embraced the fact-free idea that the poor are plagued with a \u201cculture of dependency.\u201d That’s some serious class warfare.<\/p>\n 5. ‘The Main Causes of Child Poverty Are Low Levels of Parental Work and the Absence of Fathers.’<\/strong><\/p>\n On Wednesday, the New York Yankees clinched the American League East title. On Thursday, it rained in New York. There is a correlation here, but only a fool would suggest that the Yanks’ victory caused it to rain the following day.<\/p>\n Yet, the Heritage Foundation (it happens to be Robert Rector again) sees a lot of poor, single-parent households, and would have you believe<\/a> that \u201cthe main causes of child poverty are low levels of parental work and the absence of fathers.\u201d<\/p>\n This gets the causal relationship wrong. The number of single-parent households exploded between the 1970s and the 1990s \u2013 more than doubling<\/a> — yet the poverty rate remained relatively constant. In fact, before the crash of 2008, the poverty rate was lower than it had been in the 1970s. So, as the rate of single-parent households skyrocketed, poverty declined a little bit. Saying single-parent homes create poverty is therefore like claiming that the Yankees victory caused the sun to shine the next day.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n