{"id":720,"date":"2008-12-08T10:10:45","date_gmt":"2008-12-08T17:10:45","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.bspcn.com\/2008\/12\/08\/10-most-ridiculous-craigslist-posts-of-all-time\/"},"modified":"2008-12-08T10:10:45","modified_gmt":"2008-12-08T17:10:45","slug":"10-most-ridiculous-craigslist-posts-of-all-time","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/localhost\/wordpress\/2008\/12\/08\/10-most-ridiculous-craigslist-posts-of-all-time\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Most Ridiculous Craigslist Posts of All Time"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
Written by amog<\/a><\/p>\n When you think about places<\/strong> to post advertisements, rants, and just general ridiculousness, Craigslist should be at the top of the list. Each and every day, hundreds of thousands of people flock to Craigslist<\/a> to buy things, look for love or sex, and look for jobs. With so many people coming together in one place, you can bet that hilarity will ensue.<\/p>\n Thankfully, the Craigslist Gods foresaw such a possibility, and the Best of Craigslist was born. Essentially, the Best of Craigslist<\/a> consists of numerous posts about many different things, having been nominated for a prize.<\/p>\n When perusing the oodles of entries, you can tell that some not-so-funny ones were selected by people who just decided to be idiots and nominate worthless posts. Such people clearly have lives that they are ashamed of, and if they aren’t, well, they should be!<\/p>\n However, there are some true pearls of mediocrity on Best of Craigslist. These posts have made their way to the surface of the oozing amounts of crap exuded by numerous other posts.<\/p>\n That is why, the following posts (in no particular order, mind you) should be thought of as “The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Craigslist Posts of All Time”:<\/p>\n 1. Let us frolic in my totally dope blanket fort<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n At least he admits that it’s crappy, calling it just a “prototype.” Um, hello? If you want to impress the ladies, oh Blanket Fort Man, you should have built an impressive blanket fort in the first place.<\/p>\n Don’t you know that women only want guys who can build AMAZING blanket forts?!<\/p>\n Nevertheless, let’s hope that, if this guy didn’t find love, he at least found better blankets.<\/p>\n 2.Haunted toaster<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Or maybe, just MAYBE, there are a lot of ridiculously stupid people out there who can’t figure out how to use a toaster! If nothing else, though, it would have been very amusing to watch her drop the toaster off the roof, which is probably what ended up happening.<\/p>\n 3. My Casual Encounters Experience<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n The people who are desperate enough to post an advertisement looking for NSA (No Strings Attached for all you virgins out there) aren’t thinking about that, They want to get it on, and get it on quickly.<\/p>\n Clearly, this ridiculous post shows the rantings of a very sexually frustrated and overall bitter woman.<\/p>\n She wasted her time ranting on good ‘ol Craigslist, when she could have, say, gone out into the real world and possibly met a well-endowed, normal guy. On the other hand, with all of the trouble she went to, she might as well have just purchased a vibrator.<\/p>\n 4. Space Ship for Sale $3500.00 or best offer<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Or, one could call it a cosmically themed sculpture of some sort, since (well, hopefully) it doesn’t actually run, landing sensors or not. If it DID happen to be in working order, I think you’d agree that $3500.00 is quite a reasonable price.<\/p>\n 5. Large Glass Jar (possibly containing a ghost)<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n However, if you’re ridiculously stupid like this poster, you too can buy a foggy glass (or is it plastic?) jar and pretend that the ghost of George Harrison<\/a> is inside!<\/p>\n 6. Trying to have a missed connection – m4w<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to have a missed connection? So, be ridiculous like this guy, and post an advertisement in which you actually want to coordinate a missed connection. Um, part of the fun of a missed connection is that it’s completely, totally missed! Maybe this guy was confused, and was just awkwardly asking for a date.<\/p>\n Well, for his sake, and any of those who actually were silly enough to respond to his advertisement, let’s hope so.<\/p>\n 7. No taxation without representation<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n One can just imagine Mr. or Mrs. Angry Person standing on a soapbox, screaming about taxation atrocities. Only, these screams will probably be falling on deaf ears; everyone else will be too busy doing something that this person clearly doesn’t do enough of: WORKING.<\/p>\n 8. Rant: Person with a wooden leg that lives above me<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n First of all, the person is far too busy walking around and being noisy to read your rant. Second of all, ever heard of that marvelous little invention called high heels?<\/p>\n 9. Things I’d like to tell students that would probably get me fired<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Okay, so he was a principal, not a professor, but the man got his point across with a bat! The key thing here is he commanded respect without ever having to use it. In the case of this ridiculous professor, this whiny rant gets an F.<\/p>\nObviously, the post title gets one’s attention, and is the epitome of ridiculous. Then, of course, it only gets better when you check out the pictures of this guy’s “totally dope” blanket fort. Clearly, this guy went to all the trouble of building a fabulously crappy blanket fort in the feeble attempt to prove that he could do so.<\/p>\n
It’s hard enough selling things on Craigslist, so people have resorted to selling things with a bit of extra provenance. Take this woman, who claims that the haunted toaster hates her and burns her toast. If that is the case, well then, they’re a lot of haunted toasters.<\/p>\n
Oh yes, the seedy side of Craigslist is exposed here. It’s funny to read the disclaimer when entering these more sinister parts of Craigslist, in which they advise people to practice safe sex. Yeah, like that happens.<\/p>\n
Upon first reading the title to this classically ridiculous post, you might think that it was some sort of a joke, that a person was drunk and just put up an advertisement for kicks. Not this time, and there is ridiculously amazing photographic evidence to prove it. Yes, this person really did build a spaceship.<\/p>\n
Why is it that people are resorting to selling haunted things on Craigslist? Really now, enough is enough.<\/p>\n
One of the most interesting sections of Craigslist is the “Missed Connections” section. There, people who gazed lustily at a total stranger from afar can post to see if that same stranger noticed them too. How romantic.<\/p>\n
This post is not just ridiculous in the amount of time and angered effort (note the aggressive use of the Caps Lock key!) that was put into creating it, it’s also ridiculously true. Clearly, it took tax season for these truths to become self-evident to this angry person.<\/p>\n
Everyone at some point has had an annoying neighbor. However, this person actually was ridiculous enough to write a letter to a neighbor who quite possibly has a wooden leg. Or, as this person muses, might like wearing stilts. Um, hello?<\/p>\n
Probably the most ridiculous thing about this post is that this neurotic person tells off his or her imaginary students in really not-so-blunt ways, mixed in with jokes that are horribly bad. C’mon now, stop being such a coward! Be like Morgan Freeman<\/a> in the movie Lean On Me.<\/p>\n